⚡ The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis

Monday, November 01, 2021 5:43:31 PM

The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis

These publications praised the novel as a "major artistic triumph" and emphasizes how Steinbeck understands "the universal significance of life. It was the reason Kino got the pearl and, The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis, the reason why he threw it The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis into the ocean. Though his family is still the center of his actions, he is also driven by his dreams of Should Gum Be Allowed In School escape from their strengths of the humanistic approach The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis a desire to give his son a better The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis. Yes you are right. Kino tells Juan that he plans to travel north and Juan warns The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis to avoid the coast. In the The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis Juana organic analogy functionalism takes the pearl out of hiding and The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis down to the beach to throw The Pearl By John Steinbeck Analysis back into the sea from which it came.

The Pearl by John Steinbeck (full audiobook)

The pearl also overcomes the priest of the church. The priest is not concerned with representing God. Kink is not exactly a prime example of a good person himself. His greed for the pearl drove him to hit Juan and even kill a man. Kink did however learn his lesson at the end. It seems that the only person that remained pure throughout the whole novel was Juan. She never let the pearl take over her life like it did the other characters. The pearl was perfect on the outside but the inside was manifested with great evil.

The perfect pearl brought evil upon Kink and Juan. As you can see, Steinbeck shows us many ironic trials and hardship that are crucial for contouring Kink and Juan into wiser individuals. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Accessed October 10, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper.

Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price experts online. John Steinbeck: The Chrysanthemums. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements? Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report Order custom paper Without paying upfront. Symbolisim in john steinbecks flight. As they get in, Kino lays a blanket down for Coyotito and Juana covers him with her shawl in order to protect him from the harsh sun. Kino pushes the canoe away from the shore and the two paddle out to sea. In no time they come across other canoes searching for pearls.

The others have gathered around the nearest oyster bed. Kino dives into the sea and collects oysters while his wife stays in the canoe and prays for their luck to change. Kino stays underwater for more than two full minutes, gathering all of the shells he can. Kino climbs back into the boat and his obvious excitement worries Juana. But try as she might stay aloof, Juana stops breathing as she waits for Kino to open the oyster with his knife. It is the biggest pearl that either of them has ever seen.

Juana screams in shock and Kino yells at the top of his lungs with emotion. At the noise, the other canoes begin to paddle over to see what the commotion is about. People in the town of every social class — whether they are a priest, a beggar or a businessman — the dream of owning the pearl themselves and how it would improve their life. The doctor also dreams of owning the pearl. He wants to use it to get back to Paris where he once lived. Kino and Juana know nothing of the jealousy of the townsfolk and only celebrate their good fortune with family and friends. When Juan sees the pearl he asks his brother what he will do with his sudden windfall of money.

Kino tells him his very specific plans for the future. He intends to have a proper marriage to Juana in a church, send Coyotito to school, buy new clothes for his family and a new harpoon. Kino is somewhat surprised by it himself but stands by it. The neighbors stare at the pearl in amazement. Dusk falls on the town. The local priest stops by to bless the household. He asks that the family remember the church in their new prosperity. Juana informs him that they intend to marry in his church and the priest thanks them and leaves. After he leaves, Kino is suddenly overcome with an odd feeling. He begins to feel as though something bad is going to happen.

He takes the pearl and keeps it close as he huddles underneath a blanket. The reality of the situation begins to sink in for Kino as he realizes that his family has no security and is now in danger of being robbed for the pearl. The doctor and his servant appear and ask after Coyotito. Kino tries to refuse but the doctor sinisterly hints at the possibility for a renewal of the infection, Kino finally relents and lets him in.

Juana is suspicious of the doctor, but Kino attempts to soothe her. The doctor examines the baby and explains that he has found complications. He administers a capsule of medication to Coyotito. He claims that the poison will show a resurgence within the hour and that without the medication the child may die. Once the doctor is gone, Kino wraps the pearl in a rag and buries it in a hole in the corner of the dirt floor of the house.

Coyotito begins to grow worse again. Juana tries to sing to him soothingly to comfort him. Kino begins to feel the foreboding feeling once again. The doctor soon returns and administers a second medication. Coyotito immediately begins to recover. The doctor then asks when Kino will be able to pay him and Kino replies that he must sell his pearl first.

The doctor pretends not to know about the pearl and offers to keep it in his safe for protection. Kino declines the offer, however, saying that he plans to sell the pearl in the morning. But when he is talking he inadvertently glances at the corner in which he has buried the pearl. After the doctor leaves for the second time, Kino finds himself too nervous to sleep. He paces back and forth through the house, trying to stay on guard for any burglars. He decides to dig up the pearl and rebury it beneath his sleeping mat. After this, he lays down next to his wife and baby and tries to sleep.

The feeling of foreboding chases him through his dreams, however. In the middle of the night, he thinks he hears an intruder scratching at the floor above the pearl. Kino grabs a knife and leaps at the intruder, grappling with him. After a fight, the intruder flees and leaves Kino hurt. Juana goes to him and prepares a salve for his bruises. Juana now believes that the pearl is a curse on them but Kino remains convinced of its virtue, saying that it will be their salvation.

He manages to convince her of it, too and the two have a more cheerful morning. That morning Kino, Juana, and the baby leave their house to sell the pearl. Word has spread throughout the whole town that they are going to be doing this and many people from the neighborhood show up to follow them into the city. Kino and Juana don their best clothes for the occasion and dress Coyotito in his best outfit.

Juan reminds Kino to be careful as he has no price comparison for how much the pearl is actually worth so it is likely that the pearl buyers will try to cheat him. Kino acknowledges that this is a possibility but points out that there is nothing to be done for it. They are here in La Paz and he does not know anything of any other villages. As the crowd approaches the city where the pearl buyers work, the buyers begin to straighten their shops and get put papers in an attempt to look busy. The dealer tells them that it is more of a curiosity than something of real value and that no one would actually buy it. He offers them a thousand pesos for it anyway. But Kino is not fooled. He informs the dealer that the pearl is worth fifty times that much.

The dealer tells him to try asking some of the other dealers to see what they say. A whisper goes through the crowd wondering how Kino can reject so much money and if he is being foolish by demanding more. Three more dealers wander over to look at the pearl. The first two reject the pearl outright. The third dealer admits that he has a buyer who likes things of this nature and offers a mere five hundred pesos.

The original dealer gloats about being right, telling Kino that his offer still stands. Kino, angered by this, snatches the pearl away from them and puts it back in his shirt pocket. He tells them that he will go somewhere else to appraise the pearl. Perhaps even to the capital. This makes the original dealer up his bid to fifteen-hundred. But Kino refuses to hear any more. He pushes his way out of the crowd and marches home with Juana following behind him. That evening the neighbors sit in their homes eating their dinner and going over the days events. They feel that the pearl buyers probably know best about these things. Although some praise Kino for his bravery. Kino buries the pearl under his sleeping mat again and sits silently brooding as he thinks about the journey to the capitol.

His brother arrives to warn him against going to the crime-ridden capital but Kino does not listen and Juan leaves without convincing him. That night Kino again wakes in the middle of the night with a feeling of foreboding. This time, a shadowy man stands in the doorway of their hut. Kino fights with the man and by the time Juana rises to help the man has fled and Kino lays bloodied on the ground. But Kino insists that they must get as much as they can for it. He tells her that they are going to the capital and Juana is forced to agree. However, early the next morning Juana takes the pearl and sneaks out of the hut. Kino rises just in time to follow her. Juana rushes down to the beach and just before she can throw the pearl back into the ocean Kino catches her and beats her.

He takes the pearl and leaves her lying, crumpled on the beach. As Kino is making his way back to the hut he is attacked by a group of men and in the struggle the pearl has knocked from his grasp. Juana sees this as she struggles to her feet on the beach. She sees the pearl lying on the beach and picks it up, considering throwing it back into the sea. Kino manages to stab and kill one of his attackers. Juana finds the man slumped on the road with Kino lying next to him as the others have fled. Kino can only lament about his lost pearl. Juana shows him that she has the pearl and says that they have to leave immediately since Kino killed a man and has committed a crime.

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