① The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History

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The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History

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Francis Fukuyama and The End of History

In this book, Fukuyama covers events taking place since the French Revolution and shed light on political institutions and their development in different regions. After tracing how a modern and effective government was developed in the U. In the latter, he qualified his original "end of history" thesis, arguing that since biotechnology increasingly allows humans to control their own evolution , it may allow humans to alter human nature , thereby putting liberal democracy at risk. He is a fierce enemy of transhumanism , an intellectual movement asserting that posthumanity is a desirable goal. In another work, The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstruction of Social Order , Fukuyama explores the origins of social norms, and analyses the current disruptions in the fabric of our moral traditions, which he considers as arising from a shift from the manufacturing to the information age.

This shift is, he thinks, normal and will prove self-correcting, given the intrinsic human need for social norms and rules. In , in America at the Crossroads , Fukuyama discusses the history of neoconservatism, with particular focus on its major tenets and political implications. He outlines his rationale for supporting the Bush administration, as well as where he believes it has gone wrong. In , Fukuyama published the book Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United States , which resulted from research and a conference funded by Grupo Mayan to gain understanding on why Latin America, once far wealthier than North America, fell behind in terms of development in only a matter of centuries. Discussing this book at a conference, Fukuyama outlined his belief that inequality within Latin American nations is a key impediment to growth.

An unequal distribution of wealth, he stated, leads to social upheaval, which then results in stunted growth. At the start of the following decade he published some reflections on his work in the form of conversations under the title After the End of History [26]. As a key Reagan Administration contributor to the formulation of the Reagan Doctrine , Fukuyama is an important figure in the rise of neoconservatism , although his works came out years after Irving Kristol 's book crystallized neoconservatism.

Bush after the September 11, attacks that suggested the U. In a New York Times article from February , Fukuyama, in considering the ongoing Iraq War , stated: "What American foreign policy needs is not a return to a narrow and cynical realism, but rather the formulation of a 'realistic Wilsonianism' that better matches means to ends. Fukuyama began to distance himself from the neoconservative agenda of the Bush administration , citing its excessive militarism and embrace of unilateral armed intervention, particularly in the Middle East. By mid , Fukuyama had voiced his growing opposition to the Iraq War [31] and called for Donald Rumsfeld 's resignation as Secretary of Defense. At an annual dinner of the American Enterprise Institute in February , Dick Cheney and Charles Krauthammer declared the beginning of a unipolar era under American hegemony.

He believes that the Iraq War was being blundered. Fukuyama declared he would not be voting for Bush, [34] and that the Bush administration had made three mistakes: [35]. Fukuyama believes the US has a right to promote its own values in the world, but more along the lines of what he calls "realistic Wilsonianism ", with military intervention only as a last resort and only in addition to other measures.

A latent military force is more likely to have an effect than actual deployment. The US should instead stimulate political and economic development and gain a better understanding of what happens in other countries. The best instruments are setting a good example and providing education and, in many cases, money. The secret of development, be it political or economic, is that it never comes from outsiders, but always from people in the country itself. One thing the US proved to have excelled in during the aftermath of World War II was the formation of international institutions. A return to support for these structures would combine American power with international legitimacy, but such measures require a lot of patience.

This is the central thesis of his work America at the Crossroads. In a essay in The New York Times Magazine strongly critical of the invasion, he identified neoconservatism with Leninism. He wrote that neoconservatives "believed that history can be pushed along with the right application of power and will. Leninism was a tragedy in its Bolshevik version, and it has returned as farce when practiced by the United States. Neoconservatism, as both a political symbol and a body of thought, has evolved into something I can no longer support. Fukuyama announced the end of the neoconservative moment and argued for the demilitarization of the War on Terrorism : [37]. Meeting the jihadist challenge is more of a "long, twilight struggle" [quoting John F.

Kennedy's inaugural address ] whose core is not a military campaign but a political contest for the hearts and minds of ordinary Muslims around the world. Fukuyama endorsed Barack Obama in the US presidential election. He states: [38]. I'm voting for Barack Obama this November for a very simple reason. It is hard to imagine a more disastrous presidency than that of George W. It was bad enough that he launched an unnecessary war and undermined the standing of the United States throughout the world in his first term.

But in the waning days of his administration, he is presiding over a collapse of the American financial system and broader economy that will have consequences for years to come. As a general rule, democracies don't work well if voters do not hold political parties accountable for failure. While John McCain is trying desperately to pretend that he never had anything to do with the Republican Party, I think it would be a travesty to reward the Republicans for failure on such a grand scale. In a interview with New Statesman , when asked about his views on the resurgence of socialist politics in the United States and the United Kingdom, he responded: [39]. It all depends on what you mean by socialism. Ownership of the means of production — except in areas where it's clearly called for, like public utilities — I don't think that's going to work.

If you mean redistributive programmes that try to redress this big imbalance in both incomes and wealth that has emerged then, yes, I think not only can it come back, it ought to come back. This extended period, which started with Reagan and Thatcher, in which a certain set of ideas about the benefits of unregulated markets took hold, in many ways it's had a disastrous effect. At this juncture, it seems to me that certain things Karl Marx said are turning out to be true. He talked about the crisis of overproduction… that workers would be impoverished and there would be insufficient demand. In , Fukuyama became the chair of the editorial board for American Purpose, a magazine established in to promote three central ideas.

First, it wants to promote liberal democracy in the United States. Second, it seeks to understand and opine on the challenges to liberal democracy in other countries. Third, it wants to "offer criticism and commentary on history and biography, high art and pop culture, science and technology. Fukuyama has also perceived Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election as the result of the Western system's ability to correct mistakes. Fukuyama is a part-time photographer. He also has an interest in early-American furniture , which he reproduces by hand. He explained, "These days I seem to spend as much time thinking about gear as I do analyzing politics for my day job.

They live in California, with their three children, Julia, David, and John. He is the first cousin to crime novelist Joe Ide. Fukuyama helped him get his first book published. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. American political scientist, political economist, and author. Chicago , Illinois , U. Main article: The Origins of Political Order. Retrieved August 19, Spiegel Online. March 22, Retrieved October 14, Stanford News. July 21, Retrieved August 6, National Endowment for Democracy. Archived from the original on July 8, Retrieved November 23, September 9, The New York Times. Retrieved March 17, The Guardian. Think Tank Interview. Interviewed by Ben Wattenberg.

Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit, MI: Gale Research. For enduring prosperity and success, institutionalized, legal mechanisms of change and accountability are essential. Gardels : In an earlier book, Political Order in Changing Societies , Huntington argued that Westernization and modernization were not identical. He thought modernization -- an effective state, urbanization, breakdown of primary kinship groups, inclusive levels of education, market economies and a growing middle class -- were quite possible without a society becoming Western in terms of a liberal secular culture or democratic norms. Any observant visitor to China these days can see that beneath the logos of Hyatt and Citigroup the soul of old Confucius is stirring, with its authoritarian bent.

In Turkey, we see an Islamist-rooted party running a secular state, battling to allow women to wear headscarves in public universities. In other words, isn't "non-Western modernization" as likely a path ahead as Westernization through globalization? Fukuyama : For me, there are three key components of political modernization. First, the modernization of the state as a stable, effective, impersonal institution that can enforce rules across complex societies. This was Huntington's focus. But there are two other components of modernization in my view. Second, the rule of law so that the state itself is constrained in it actions by a pre-existing body of law that is sovereign.

In other words, a ruler or ruling party cannot just do whatever he or it decides. Third is some form of accountability of the powers that be. Huntington would have said that rule of law and accountability are Western values. I think they are values toward which non-Western societies are converging because of their own experience. You can't have true modernization without them. They are in fact necessary complements to each other. If you have just political modernization defined as a competent state, you may only have a more effective form of tyranny. What you can certainly have is effective state building and a certain amount of prosperity under authoritarian conditions for a time.

That is what the Chinese are doing right now. But I am convinced that their prosperity cannot in the end endure, nor can Chinese citizens ever be secure in their personal progress, without the rule of law and accountability. They can't go to the next stage without all three components that comprise modernization. Gardels : Modernization has usually also meant the growing secularization of society and the primacy of science and reason. Yet, in a place like Turkey today, as I mentioned, we see modernization and growing religiosity side by side. That certainly departs from the Western-oriented trajectory charted by Ataturk. Fukuyama : I agree. The old version of the idea modernization was Euro-centric, reflecting Europe's own development. That did contain attributes which sought to define modernization in a quite narrow way.

Most importantly, as you point out, religion and modernization certainly can coexist. Secularism is not a condition of modernity. You don't have to travel to Turkey to see that. It is true in the United States, which is a very religious society but in which advanced science and technological innovation thrive. The old assumption that religion would disappear and be replaced solely by secular, scientific rationalism is not going to happen.

At the same time, I don't believe the existence, or even prevalence of cultural attributes, including religion, are so overwhelming anywhere that you will not see a universal convergence toward rule of law and accountability. Gardels : Still, must accountability entail the same democratic, electoral norms of Europe or the United States? Fukuyama : You can have non-electoral accountability through moral education which forges a sense of moral obligation by the ruler. Traditional Confucianism, after all, taught the emperor that he had a duty to his subjects as well as himself. It is not an accident that the most successful authoritarian modernization experiments have all been in East Asian societies touched by Confucianism.

In the end, though, that is not enough. You cannot solve the problem of the "bad emperor" through moral suasion. And China has had some pretty bad emperors over the centuries. Without procedural accountability, you can never establish real accountability. Gardels : Some top Chinese intellectuals today argue that when China arises again as the superior civilization in a post-American world, the "tired" global debate over autocracy vs. I doubt you would agree. Fukuyama : You are right, I don't believe that. You simply can't get good governance without democratic accountability. It is a risky illusion to believe otherwise. News U. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Special Projects Highline.

HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Follow Us. Terms Privacy Policy. What mostly holds up in your thesis 20 years on?

Translations of the piece were scheduled to appear in Dutch, Japanese, Italian and Icelandic. It is only if The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History recognizes the dignity of the human person that they will recognize the The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History value of equity and the The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History good, and strive to defend and preserve not only their own liberty, but also that of all others in their society using law. In the wake The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History the credit crunch and the global economic downturn, it has become increasingly clear that prosperity is not, in fact, best served either by the pursuit of laissez-faire economics or by the inexorable extension of economic freedoms. This is the central thesis of his work America at the Crossroads. Himself an idiosyncratic practitioner of the Anesthetist Research Paper, he found the piece "spirited and lively," but wonders how Fukuyama Essay On Secondary School Experience have failed The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History address the revival of Auguste Blanquis Analysis fundamentalism or the conflicts that could arise out of nationalism. There is nothing to The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History another Mao in the future The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History some form of democratic accountability. In recent advice The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History Conservative MPs, Major The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History them to focus less on "ideology" and more on "issues that The Cold War In Fukuyamas The End Of History worry people in their daily lives".

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