✎✎✎ Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave

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Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave

Previous article. And it is weird Argument Essay: Democracy In The United States Reply. Contents 1 What does a cave symbolize? Socrates next reveals why Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave education The Importance Of Silver Pagoda In Cambodia often resisted and how educational enlightenment is Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave. He leads them toward the Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave by means of questions and dialectics until they Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave able to make an account of their knowledge for themselves c-d. Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave Shadows on the Moon — a tale of ephemeral beauty, humans and hubris — readly. Socrates' First Account of Education: Aim of Guardians' Education: The most explicit account of education arises after Glaucon questions the moderate Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave plain lifestyle required in Socrates' just city "of speech" a. Outside of time and space.

PLATO ON: The Allegory of the Cave

Lots of things that keep people in the dark — I think. The reason why dumb people do not trust philosophers is that they are too lazy to keep their minds working. The contrast that Plato refers to is between empirical knowledge that has to be filtered through our subjective perception and philosophical argument that does not. For example; how can we be sure that your perception of the colour green is the same as mine? We cannot. However the philosophical observation that this is the case is a pure, ultimate piece of knowledge. Socrates made it simple, our senses deceive and broke us from perceiving reality as it is. Thus, it is only logic and rational that is reliable.

Mental liberation is a catchy phrase. What is the self that witnesses thought and emotion? Where is the self that witnesses seas of human time? It is more than mental. Philosophy is life, to ignore the journey to search for the truth is equally to choose darkness or death. The truth will set you free …. Perhaps it simply means that our minds are imprisioned by our life experiences, represented by the prisoners in the cave. The persons in the cave are in their comfort zone. This is true of every group or community. They do not accept of believe in an other possibility. So for me the myth is also the effect of education, and the lack of it. Everything is made up. The reality of our lives is that we should be all just animals looking for food and shelter and ultimately survive just like Apes Unfortunately or fortunately we figured out how to communicate verbally with one another and tried to put logic to our new world.

So we made up the fact that words,god,money,governments,banks,schools,Royals etc etc actually exist. In realty none of our world has to exist. We only need to look for food and find shelter. Of course our senses can deceive us. But if we were all born without senses, we would not be able to make logical statements either. So , more or less the opposite of what he was claiming. What if what he was describing to them were holograms? These comments were surprisingly fun to read. Now everyone back to guessing the next shadow- shape!

I remember hearing that one would need a sense of absolute beauty , a sense of justice, an education, and go through a period of isolation in order to be freed and see the truth. Look around you.. Turning into shadows.. Thats ridiculous. There is a pandemic, of course the world is living in fear. I completely agree with you. People have been conditioned and indoctrinated to accept this false reality of the Scamdemic.

None are masters, and none can discern the truth. The one who leaves the cave sees only greater shadows. As for any pleb who thinks the pandemic is a conspiracy, or somehow fake- you are merely that prisoner chained to a rock in a cave, staring at a wall in the flickering light, and claiming you can see shapes in it but the puppeteers left days ago because they cannot stand you. And it is weird lol. Not everyone in society has the chance to escape and learn the truths of things to become the Philosopher. Give everyone a chance to escape the cave and then society as a collective will be educated and know the truth of things. This is my perspective at least. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. It goes like this: The Cave Imagine a cave, in which there are three prisoners.

The prisoners are tied to some rocks, their arms and legs are bound and their head is tied so that they cannot look at anything but the stonewall in front of them. These prisoners have been here since birth and have never seen outside of the cave. Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between them is a raised walkway. People outside the cave walk along this walkway carrying things on their head including; animals, plants, wood and stone. The Shadows So, imagine that you are one of the prisoners. You cannot look at anything behind or to the side of you — you must look at the wall in front of you.

When people walk along the walkway, you can see shadows of the objects they are carrying cast on to the wall. If one of the prisoners were to correctly guess, the others would praise him as clever and say that he were a master of nature. The Escape One of the prisoners then escapes from their bindings and leaves the cave. He is shocked at the world he discovers outside the cave and does not believe it can be real. As he becomes used to his new surroundings, he realizes that his former view of reality was wrong. The Return The prisoner returns to the cave, to inform the other prisoners of his findings.

They do not believe him and threaten to kill him if he tries to set them free. The Shadows The Shadows represent the perceptions of those who believe empirical evidence ensures knowledge. If you believe that what you see should be taken as truth, then you are merely seeing a shadow of the truth. Plato is demonstrating that this master does not actually know any truth, and suggesting that it is ridiculous to admire someone like this. The Escape The escaped prisoner represents the Philosopher, who seeks knowledge outside of the cave and outside of the senses.

The Sun represents philosophical truth and knowledge His intellectual journey represents a philosophers journey when finding truth and wisdom The Return The other prisoners reaction to the escapee returning represents that people are scared of knowing philosophical truths and do not trust philosophers. I before E except after C. It is weird. Lol Reply. OMG lol Reply. My mind is blown Reply.

I like that! Could it be possible the cave is a metaphor for our daily lives some caves are nicer than others Reply. Pingback: Perception and Deception tyronewaitforitmagpantay. The Gininus Plato!! So true, we can only trust the one beyond our senses. Behind them, puppet-masters carry figurines which cast shadows on the wall in front of the prisoners. Because they know nothing else, the prisoners assume the shadows to be the extent of reality--but what they see and hear is actually only a small segment of the intelligible world. Glaucon easily grasps the idea behind the analogy and is immediately intrigued by the image, saying "It's a strange image and strange prisoners you're telling of" a.

For the reader, the image of the cave quickly evokes the memory of Socrates' earlier false tales and noble lies, and it is evident that the new education is meant to free the prisoners from their false opinions and convictions, as opposed to chaining them within the cave as did the earlier education. Socrates next reveals why philosophical education is often resisted and how educational enlightenment is progressive. He shows Glaucon what would happen if a prisoner was unchained and allowed to leave the cave and see reality. At first, he would be pained and disoriented by the foreign sights. When told that his experience in the cave was not entirely real, he would rebel--and not without reason d.

If he tried to look at his new surroundings and the sun directly after leaving the dark cave, he would be blinded and would want to return to the comfort of his familiar past surroundings e. Socrates asserts that if someone were to drag him "away from there by force along the rough, steep, upward way, and didn't let him go before he had dragged him out into the light of the sun" a , the prisoner would fight and be resentful, and even then, would not be able to see everything at once.

Instead, his eyes would adjust slowly. First he would see shadows, then reflections in water, then things themselves, then the night's sky, and finally, the sun--which is an image of the good and what is b. But once he focuses on what is , he will be happier than ever before and will never want to return to the cave e-c. Furthermore, if he did try to return to the cave and help the other prisoners, they would hate him, calling him corrupt and delusional because their reality is still limited to the shadows in the cave a.

Through this powerful image of the cave, Socrates shows Glaucon the good and suggests how it is to be obtained. The good is beyond perceived reality and is hard to see, but once the good is understood, it is clear that it "is the cause of all that is right and fair in everything," and must be possessed and understood by prudent rulers c. A progressive education that teaches men to use their existing capacity for knowledge is what Socrates intends for the philosopher-kings. He says,. Education is not what the professions of certain men assert it to be. They presumably assert that they put into the soul knowledge that isn't in it, as through they were putting sight into blind eyes…but the present argument, on the other hand…indicates that this power is in the soul of each and that the instrument with which each learns--just as an eye is not able to turn toward the light from the dark without the whole body--must be turned around from that which is coming into being together with the whole soul until it is able to endure looking at that which is and the brightest part of that which is c.

The ability to know is always within man--never faltering, but useful only depending on whether it is focused on the truth e. From what Socrates says here, it seems as if the natures with which children are born matter less than their education; anyone can be a philosopher with the right training. After convincing Glaucon that escaping the cave and becoming a philosopher is advantageous, Socrates returns to more practical political matters. He says that good guardians must not be prisoners nor can they be philosophers who selfishly stay outside of the cave. Instead, they must escape the cave, be educated in the good through philosophy c , and then return to the cave to rule and enlighten others d.

Since the philosopher-kings are still to be warriors, their education must still be useful for warlike men. The previous account of education, however, is incomplete because gymnastics and music only teach habits by example eb. Not only is mathematics useful for practical matters, but its abstractness causes students to exercise their intellect and ask questions about what really is.

Socrates says of calculation, "It leads the soul powerfully upward and compels it to discuss numbers themselves" d. The study of complex, elusive concepts pushes one to study what is permanent and perfect. Dialectics are also to be studied. When a man tries by discussion--by means of argument without the use of any of the sense--to attain to each thing itself that which is and doesn't give up before he grasps by intellection itself that which is good itself, he comes to the very end of the intelligible realm just as that other man was then at the end of the visible b. Socrates insists that recipients of an education in mathematics and dialectics must have a suitable nature.

They must be steady, courageous, good looking, noble, tough, and quick learners But above all, they must love hard work. Again, Socrates insists that education in philosophy is something to be loved and will result in the satisfaction of eros. Similar to the previous education, education in music, gymnastics, mathematics, and preparatory dialectics begins in childhood. But unlike the compulsory nature of the earlier education, the philosopher-kings' education must be presented first as voluntary play. Socrates says, "Don't use force in training the children in the studies, but rather play. In that way you can better discern what each is naturally directed towards" a. At age twenty, gymnastic education will cease and the best students will be chosen to learn an overview of their studies and how they interrelate with each other and the good.

Those who excel in their studies, war, and other duties will be chosen at age thirty to be tested in dialectics to determine "who is able to release himself from the eyes and the rest of sense and go to what which is in itself and accompanies truth" d. Remarkably, in the guardian's education, no one, not even a judge, was permitted exposure to the truth at this young an age. Socrates, however, still recognizes the danger of the full truth. He holds that students must not be allowed free reign with dialectics at too young an age, because, instead of using their newfound knowledge for the good of the city, they might be tempted to forsake the city's laws and conventions in favor of more base pursuits a-c.

Thus, the young must not be allowed to toy with debate because they will undoubtedly misuse the art of dialectics, leading to the dissolution of their beliefs and the defamation of philosophy. Older, educated men, however, "will discuss and consider the truth rather than the one who plays and contradicts for the sake of the game" d. When they are thirty-five, those well-trained in dialectics will be required to go back into the cave to hold offices, and testing will continue. Finally, at the age of fifty, those who have excelled in everything will perceive the good and will alternate philosophizing and ruling the city.

And, lifting up the brilliant beams of their souls, they must be compelled to look toward that which provides light for everything. Once they see the good itself, they must be compelled, each in his turn, to use it as a pattern for ordering city, private men, and themselves for the rest of their lives. For the most part, each one spends his time in philosophy, but when his turn comes, he drudges in politics and rules for the city's sake, not as though he were doing a thing that is fine, but one that is necessary. And thus always educating other like men and leaving them behind in their place as guardians of the city, they go off to the Isles of the Blessed and dwell a-b.

Thus, through a rigorous philosophical education, the city unshackles individuals and leads them out of the cave of ignorance and into the light of knowledge so that they are eventually able to go back into the cave and teach others. Glaucon protests the unfairness of forcing the liberated philosophers to go back into the cave d , but Socrates insists that, although it is unappealing, philosophers will serve the state because they are indebted for their own enlightenment, love knowledge, and accept that the good of the city is more important than their own happiness. Further, Socrates says it is better that the philosopher-kings rule unenthusiastically or else they will become greedy for power which leads to tyranny d.

Although Socrates presents two explicit methods of education in the Republic , his preferred pedagogical method is difficult to identify because of the dramatic context of the dialogue. Like the divided line, the dialogue has different meanings and purposes on different levels, making it dangerous to believe everything Socrates says. Instead, the two accounts of education must be patched together and evaluated in relation to each other and the dramatic context of the dialogue in order to discover Socrates' preferred method of education.

When Socrates introduces the cave analogy, one cannot help recognizing the similarities between it and his own actions in the dialogue. Finally, it seems as though Socrates is being genuine. The philosopher's descent into the cave hearkens back the first line of the book, "I went down to the Piraeus yesterday with Glaucon" a. It is now clear that Socrates himself is down in the cave, somewhat against his will, 2 attempting to help the interlocutors turn from the dark of ignorance to the light of knowledge and realize what is. Through his refutation of the opinions of Glaucon, Adeimantus, Cephalus, Polemarchus, and Thrasymachus, Socrates battles the city's conventions.

Also, because the dialogue is meant to be a defense of philosophy and an apology of Socrates, the education of real philosophers seems more in tune with the theme of the book than the education of "noble-puppy" guardians. After Socrates unveils the cave analogy, in retrospect the whole dialogue leading up to the cave appears to be an example of Socrates' pedagogical method. Socrates' ludicrous examples, different images, and persistent questioning are clearly intended to help guide his pupils upward through the levels of reality to the highest, truest knowledge of what is.

Socrates' rambling teaching style makes sense in light of his idea that students should come to the truth on their own rather than by force e. The first account of education can be read in light of this ideal. The topic of education first arises in the book when Glaucon opposes the plain lifestyle required in Socrates' city. Socrates, recognizing that Glaucon is still attached to lavishness, goes along with his request to make the city more luxurious. Socrates says, "Now, the true city is in my opinion the one we just described-a healthy city, as it were. But let us look at a feverish city, too" e.

By not rebuking Glaucon, Socrates allows him to steer the discussion with the hope that he will come to the truth on his own rather than by force. Despite slightly relinquishing control, Socrates still subtly guides Glaucon and Adeimantus toward the truth by making the luxurious city and its guardians' education ludicrous. Socrates provides numerous cues that signal that the city and the education are neither ideal, nor meant to be actively instituted. Likening the guardians to philosophical "noble puppies," philosophically educating the guardians by sheltering them, attacking the use of poetry, and telling the guardians that their education and childhood was a dream d are all so implausible that they strike a cord suggesting that the opposite is true.

Despite Socrates' use of "reverse psychology" to make Glaucon realize the truth on his own terms, Glaucon does not find the philosopher's life ideal, so Socrates switches tactics. Instead of using irony, Socrates uses images to teach the interlocutors. When Socrates describes the good, Glaucon has trouble understanding its complexity, so Socrates takes a step back and uses the sun image to convey his point. He moves from the sun image to that of the divided line, and then develops the analogy of the cave to represent the nature of education.

Whereas Glaucon accepted the first account of education because he himself sparked the discussion of the luxurious city, he is now perplexed by the image of the cave. Glaucon reacts as if he has stepped out of the cave for the first time and does not know what to make of his bright surroundings. But similar to the escaped prisoner's increasing ability to see what is , as Socrates introduces his sequence of images Glaucon begins to understand what the good is, how it is to be found, and that it is the most desirable virtue.

As the shadows of his convictions fade, Glaucon begins to see the good and understand that philosophy is a profitable, satisfying activity, as well as the way to enlightenment. Although Socrates found it necessary to drag Glaucon out of the cave and into the light using images, Socrates still prefers that his students do not simply accept the truth, but come to it on their own. Thus, he makes the guardians' revised education implausibly lengthy it does not culminate until the age of fifty at which point most people are close to life's end and ends the discussion with the idea that only children under the age of ten will be allowed in the city with the philosopher-kings a.

This time, Glaucon takes the cue and says, "Just like a sculptor, Socrates, you have produced ruling men who are wholly fair" c. Finally, Glaucon seems to be able to distinguish between what is true and false for himself. By subtly directing the discussion through questions, Socrates allows the ignorant prisoners to unchain themselves and realize the truth. He does not try to tell Glaucon and Adeimantus what to think, as though he were putting "sight into blind eyes," but instead helps them turn around and focus on what is important and true.

He leads them toward the light by means of questions and dialectics until they are able to make an account of their knowledge for themselves c-d. By presenting them with numerous different points of view, he teaches them to look beyond convention and their long-held convictions, and be open to new, foreign ideas. Never telling them what to think, Socrates helps them realize their own, natural potential. In the second account of education, Socrates says that the best education should be more like play than work d. In line with this, Socrates' creation and discussion of the city is a playful activity b. Socrates makes the discussion of justice interesting by playing "make believe" with Glaucon and Adeimantus.

He lets them be founders, thereby allowing them a vested interest in the discussion. Furthermore, he exploits the power of playful images and poetry to convey his ideas. Proving that he is not against poetry as much as he seemed in the first account of education, Socrates uses the poetic images of the sun, the cave, and Er to educate his pupils. The play which he advocates, however, is not without responsibility. Play must have serious intentions; poetry must only imitate what is good, pointing beyond the petty troubles of men to the eternal pursuit of justice and philosophy, and children must not be allowed to play with dialectics before they are able to do so responsibly for fear they will be corrupted and become lawless Socrates was serious when he said that poetry has the power to touch the soul, which is why he ends his argument with Socratic poetry--the myth of Er.

Even though Socrates advocates escaping the cave and learning what is through philosophy, he never dismisses the importance of convention. Although education is not meant to simply bolster convention as in the first account of education, education is also not meant to undermine convention. Philosophers cannot stay in the light forever and the cave cannot be eliminated, or else lawlessness would prevail and the city would be destroyed. After all, shadows or noble lies capture part of the truth, whether it is physical or moral, and can be used to educate people about what lies beyond the cave, either outside the city's laws or in life after death. In light of both accounts of education and the dramatic progression of the dialogue, it becomes apparent that the whole Republic is an example of Socratic pedagogy.

Using the discussion of justice, Socrates formulates an active model of the educational process and guides his students through the levels of intelligibility and knowledge. He follows the path of the divided line, of which the "first [is] knowledge, the second thought, the third trust, and the fourth imagination" a. Beginning by imagining the just city, Socrates initiates the educational progression from large images to small ones. Early in the dialogue, Socrates suggests that the idea of justice should be sought first in a large city, for it is there that it will be most visible, and then in individuals a. After teaching imagination , Socrates moves onto trust by introducing an education that requires rulers to blindly trust the educative tales they are told.

Next, he teaches about thought through his discussion of the philosopher-kings' education and dialectics. Finally, Socrates arrives at knowledge of what is. He acknowledges that his proposed regime and its philosopher-kings are implausible and, instead, the real goal is to establish an ordered, just regime within oneself Moreover, Socratic education is not just meant to educate civic rulers--it is meant to educate men to be excellent rulers of themselves.

By the conclusion of Book IX, Socrates has moved effectively from the image of justice in a city to the image of justice in private, philosophical men. Thus, despite the seeming confusion of the dialogue, it displays in its entirety the divided line, the movement from seeing images to intellecting particulars, and the ideal process of education. Not only does Socrates lead the interlocutors through the educational process, but Plato, by using a dialogue form for his treatise, allows us, the readers, to be educated along with Glaucon and Adeimantus. We fall in love with learning and philosophy both in the abstract sense that Socrates tried to instill in his pupils and also, in the more pragmatic sense, we are students of political philosophy by reading the Republic.

Socrates' incessant use of irony causes us to have our own interrogative and dialectic relationship with the dialogue, which increases our capacity to understand what is. Plato also exploits the power of mimetic poetry by using Socrates and the participants as his mouthpieces. Interestingly, Plato imitates undesirable individuals as well as good an imitation that Socrates condemns ; however, in keeping with Socratic poetry, the dialogue has an interminably good message and teaches men how to be virtuous philosophers both in life and beyond. Socrates never resolves the tension between the importance of nature and education for the development of philosopher-kings, which makes it difficult to understand which is most important.

He says that philosopher-kings must have a certain nature, but then says the capacity to see the good and be educated is in all. Given the dramatic context of the dialogue that Socrates is educating the interlocutors , I would assume that he believes more in the importance of education rather than that of nature. After all, he is trying to sell learning and philosophy as admirable and advantageous practices. Perhaps he emphasizes the importance of a certain nature to add an aura of prestige to education. If certain natures are necessary for education, then all those who are educated are deemed superior in both nature and education.

Remember that Socrates had to be persuaded to stay in the Piraeus and talk with Adeimantus and Polemarchus Introduction: Although Plato's Republic is best known for its definitive defense of justice, it also includes an equally powerful defense of philosophical education. Socrates' First Account of Education: Aim of Guardians' Education: The most explicit account of education arises after Glaucon questions the moderate and plain lifestyle required in Socrates' just city "of speech" a.

Musical Education: Education in music which includes speeches begins with the telling of tales in the earliest years of childhood because that is when people are most pliable. Narrative Style of Tales: After addressing the appropriate content of tales, Socrates discusses whether simple or imitative narrative should be used by poets and guardians.

Rather, it Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave the Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave. The Gininus Plato!! Rouse, W. This is true of every tesla swot analysis or community. Powerful Essays. But if poets and guardians are to imitate which they doubtlessly will since Socrates' whole discussion of the importance Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave good tales relies on the idea that children will imitate good examplesthey must copy those virtues which they have been taught since childhood courage, Platos Republic: The Allegory Of The Cave, holiness, freedom c.

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