⚡ Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis

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Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis

It Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis important that you can demonstrate you understand this! You must be Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis to support your Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis with evidence from the text. Examiners will be looking at your ability to look deeply into Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis authorial choices, and how they create meaning. The power of names is a theme that investigates the extent of influence a name can have. Read More. Sure, it may Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis hard Discuss The Advantages Of The South In The Civil War find Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis to support them all, but it is expected that, as a Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis student, you are able to read deep enough into the texts when is darkest hour released you could find what you need to write on any of them. A text like Cat on a Hot Tin Compare And Contrast Tim Burton And Edward Scissorhands is rife with complexities in both its narrative features and literary devices, all prime for discussion destiny bad dream your own essay. Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis terms of structure, Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis to begin with a sentence or two explaining your personal reading of the text.

LIT CRIT: Expert Literary Analysis

Sure, it may be hard to find evidence to support them all, but it is expected that, as a Literature student, you are able to read deep enough into the texts that you could find what you need to write on any of them. My advice is to choose the perspective that initially jumps out at you. When you read the text for the first, second and even third time, there will be certain plot points and themes that present themselves to you. How do I write a perspectives essay? As I mentioned earlier, there is no stock standard formula that all perspectives essays must follow.

But there are a few basic guidelines that can help you get the ball rolling. Perspectives essays have the same basic structure as a normal English essay, but differ in the sense that they are more focused on a particular school of thought. By including those subtle, little expressions unique to your chosen perspective, you should be able to signpost to the examiner what your perspective is without making your essay seem basic. As you spend more time exploring your chosen perspective, you will become more familiar and comfortable with a range of these specific expressions. If you find yourself, like I did, stuck when choosing which perspective you want to use, there are a couple of different things to can do to try and get yourself out of this funk.

To start off, Literature is an extremely collaborative subject. It naturally opens itself to a discussion between you and your classmates. In fact, this is a great way to build more ideas and strengthen the ones you already have for all parts of the Literature study design, not only this one. Secondly, your Literature teacher is, of course, another port of call. Lastly, you need to remember that you are ultimately the one who needs to make the decision. Your first thoughts are usually the best ones, so just go with your instinct and see where it tells you to go!

The big trap students doing both English and Literature fall into is the habit of writing Close Readings like a Language Analysis essay. In essence, the two of these essays must tick the same boxes. In a Language Analysis essay, the chances are that most students will interpret the contention of the writer in a similar fashion and that will usually be stated in the introduction of the essay. For this reason, every Close Reading that you do in Literature will be unique. The overarching themes of the text you are writing from may be recurring, but for every passage from the text that you are given, what you derive from that will be specific to it.

From my experience, this is what stumps a lot of students because of the tendency is to pick up on the first few poetic techniques used in the passages and create the basis for the essay from that. This usually means that the student will pick up on alliteration or another technique that they find easy to identify used by the author and then try and match it to an idea that they have discussed in class.

In general, there are two main approaches that can be followed for body paragraphs in a literature close reading analysis:. What does this mean? So, as I mentioned before, each of your close readings should be very specific to the passages in front of you and not rehearsed. So, after reading through the passage, you will usually get a general understanding of the tone that the author has utilised. This will indicate whether the author is criticising or commending a certain character or social idea.

This is the essay approach that is generally preferred by students but is often used poorly, as without practice and under the pressure of writing essays in exam conditions, many students revert back to the old technique of finding a literary device that they are comfortable with and pushing forth with that. Using this approach does not mean that you have no direction of where your paragraph might end, it just means that you think the subtle ideas of the author can be used in culmination to prove their wider opinion. The benefit of this approach is that if you are a student that finds that when you try and specify on a couple of key points within a large theme, you end up getting muddled up with the potential number of avenues you could be writing about, this style gives a bit of direction to your writing.

This approach is also helpful when you are trying to link your broader themes together. The main thing to remember in the structure of your body paragraphs — the link between your examples and the broader themes that you bring up should be very much evident to the marker. They should not have to work to find the link between the examples you are bringing up and the points that you are making. Be clear about your opinion, it matters! Language engagement is every bit as important as ideas. Sometimes, when you get stuck in philosophical musings, you might find yourself in a place where you're spouting on and on about solipsism or the intrinsic desire for independence in the 19th century Norwegian working class. Literature essays are all about finding balance, and here, that balance means language engagement.

Whether you are writing about literary criticism or a passage analysis, you have to be able to support your interpretations with textual evidence. Often, this requires some creative thinking. You can have a lot of fun with it and the examiners like you to pick up on small details and connect it to a grander scope. The rooks cawed, and blither birds sang; but nothing was so merry or so musical as my own rejoicing heart. In this passage, Jane is rejoicing over her marriage proposal, but readers are led to understand that this may be a false, idealistic dream of hers.

What could it possibly mean? Fricatives tend to indicate freedom, whereas plosives tend to indicate an abruptness — a harsh change. Perhaps, Jane's wild, free joy is immediately followed by plosive alliteration so as to illustrate how her happiness is cut short and her dream is a false one — she will attempt to achieve freedom through this romance, but she will be abruptly and unceremoniously prevented from attaining it. Regardless, in any passage, there are always things to talk about and little language quirks to exploit to figure out an interpretation.

Start from these little details, and build out and out until you tackle your big ideas. All of these ideas should be rooted in language. Often, when you think that expressive, complicated writing takes priority over ideas in Literature, you tend to end up with flowery material that becomes more convoluted than it is effective. If you are one of those people I know it's hard but kill your darlings. Focus on coming up with original ideas, and express them clearly. Cut out redundancies. Be expressive in a way that is natural and in a way where you know that first and foremost, your language is accurate. Don't go around using metaphors purely for the sake of sounding intellectual when you can express something equally eloquently and beautifully with simpler, fluent text.

Remember: this is not to say that you shouldn't be expressive in Literature. In fact, writing style and the ability to write well is a fundamental component to doing well in this subject. It is just vital that you strike the right balance. This is a good lesson to learn sooner rather than later - and you'll be steering into prime territory for the exam. Good Literature essays generally tend to be more lively and expressive than English essays. Because Literature just doesn't operate under the same criteria, and it shouldn't be treated as such. No need! Don't feel like sticking to a TEEL structure? No problem! Your focus is creating writing that moves along at a natural, expressive pace, moving through textual evidence to broader ideas.

You don't have a structure. You don't have a paragraph quota. You have free reign over a lot of how you write your Literature essays — so find out what works for you. Literature is one of very few subjects in the entirety of VCE that rewards original thinking. You don't need to go with the crowd consensus on how to read your text: as long as you have the evidence to support your reading!

The examiners will reward complex, creative, and unique ideas. Every passage analysis you write should be approached with a fresh perspective — base your interpretation around the text in front of you, and not a dogmatic set of ideas that you bring with you. Let the text before you provide you with the ideas, don't force your ideas into the text. By reading literary criticism and expanding the scope of your ideas, you can apply original readings to each set of passages you have. Your essays stand out when they cover new, uncharted territory. Literature is all about balance. If you can find it in you to balance language engagement, interpretation, and writing style, I'd say you have yourself a pretty good essay.

Remember not to fall into any of the common traps of the subject, and you'll have put yourself on solid footing to become a true literati. Over it?! You might be thinking that they best way to study up until the exam is to just churn out essays after essays after essays. This is a common misconception, and may even hurt your chances for the exam. Here are a few tips on how to study for the exam while still keeping your mind activated about Literature! Google critical commentary on your text.

These can help you inform your own original and individual interpretation of the text. Rather than passively reading critical commentary, critique it yourself! Acknowledge and file away its good points, but also form your own stance with whether you agree or disagree with that point of view. Ask yourself why that is your perspective. Developing this critical analysis skill is extremely valuable, and will put you in the mindset for the exam to provide your own original interpretation that pushes the boundaries and the envelop e.

Close your eyes and pick a random a couple of passages from your text. Photocopy them, print them, however you like, but the most important thing is to spend time annotating them in as much detail as possible. Focus on analysing the language for how the author constructs the text to create meaning. Note sentences that can link to the wider text. This really forces you to analyse the most random passage in the text in extreme detail, which you might have skipped over in class or in your own reading, because it might not have seemed important at the time.

Look through VCAA examiner reports for sample excerpts from high scoring responses. The biggest issue with every literature student in the exam is timing. Time yourself. Practice writing in timed conditions. Be disciplined with your time — going over time for the first essay to include maybe one more good point, is to sacrifice finishing your second essay. Exams are without a doubt a stressful period of time for all VCE students, and it can be easy to get caught up and overwhelmed with expectations, wanting to prove yourself and balancing the workload of your other exams. Find time to do small things to benefit yourself for the exam without compromising your mental power after a very long marathon.

Good luck and believe in yourself! In this guide, I will be explaining two of the key elements to be utilised to create a strong introduction. Considering these points, your introduction should feature these 2 elements: your personal reading of the text and your interpretation of the passages. Your personal reading is simply your perception of the text. Though the key facets of the text such as the plot and the characters are generally viewed by the majority in a similar fashion, each student will have their own opinions of the text. This can range from resonating with particular scenes or placing a greater emphasis on a certain concept or relationship.

Your interpretation of the passages is the way in which you view the excerpts given to you. Akin to your personal reading, the core aspects of the passages will likely be viewed similarly by most students, however your point of difference will come from how you perceive the passages suggest views and values and how features and moments contribute to an interpretation factors coming from the criteria. In terms of structure, try to begin with a sentence or two explaining your personal reading of the text. The key to doing so in a manner befitting Close Analysis however, is to utilise quotes from the passages to supplement your assertion. This highlights my personal reading of Pygmalion as a whole, supported by quotes from the passages I was provided. To build on this, proceed by writing a sentence or two that demonstrates your interpretation of the passages and how they discuss views and values and create meaning.

In these sentences I have commented briefly on the events within the passages and utilised them to exemplify how they are utilised to delve into views and values and create meaning in the overall context of the text. These factors encompass my interpretation of the passages. Introductions which contain these two key features will score well as they directly target numerous parts of the assessment criteria. This allows students to explicitly outline their overall reading of the text in a style which will efficiently show off your writing skills.

Here's the introduction altogether:. This was my favourite SAC in Literature; it allows so much creative freedom in creating and recreating a literary work. When else will you be able to depart from the admittedly rather boring standard essay structure?! In your adaptations and transformations SAC see my blog post about this literature assessment here! Remember — you have almost complete creative licence in this assessment…use it to your advantage! Establishing a clear nexus between the original text and your creative piece does not mean you need to replicate everything of the text; you can stylistically choose to reject or contrast elements of the original text — as long as these choices are deliberate and unambiguous.

Therefore, your creative response must demonstrate that you read your original text closely and perceptively by acknowledging these features of the text. Be original and most importantly, enjoy it! Literature is probably one of your hardest VCE subjects. When I became awash with confusion, like our old pal Ryan Renolds, the first thing I did after eating a whole block of chocolate , was ensure I understood the context of the text.

The social context of a text is the way in which the features of the society it is set in impact on its meaning. It was one in which women were seen as the lesser sex, there was a great divide between the wealthy and lower class, and strict class boundaries were enforced. Or just listen to Phoebe:. The historical context of a text is entangled with its social context, as underlying norms and convention are historically specific. The historical context is important to note especially when large changes have occurred between the time the work was produced, and our current day, so it is not assessed by our own concerns alone.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of how the play was delivered, at the festival of Dionysus as part of a trilogy. Also have an understanding of the myths surrounding the Trojan War as well as those surrounding Agamemnon, Cassandra and Clytemnestra. Furthermore, culture can relate to art, music, writing and literature itself. Cultural context, which is similarly linked with social, historical and ideological context, is especially important to note if the author is attempting to make a comment on an aspect of culture, or the clash of two cultures.

Cross cultural contact between an Indigenous tribe in Western Australia, and the British colonizers of this land, is explored by Kim Scott in his novel That Deadman Dance. He reveals aspects of culture largely unknown to current members of Australian society, as well as explores whether assimilation can be seen as a harmonious sign of friendship, or an intrusive loss of culture. Ideology refers to the systems of beliefs and ideas that underpin our attitudes and behavior.

Such ideology may be valued by society as a whole, or be the basis of conflict. This is because our own is largely internalized and normalized, we act accordingly to our assumptions and social norms. Many texts explore ideological context, either challenging or championing it. Edward Albee challenged perceptions at the time of the family unit, portraying a couple that symbolizes the immense dissatisfaction caused by idealistic portrayals of marriage, and the fallacies of the American Dream.

He illuminates how George and Martha escape from meaningless by creating fantasies and illusions, but how these eventually lead to the breakdown of their mental health. Let's all be honest here, Year 12 is endlessly tiring. Literature, for all its greatness, can also be endlessly tiring. How to play Find a friend2. Think a concept, character, quote, theme, literary device or anything really from one of your texts3. Forget about your dignity4. Act it out until your friend guesses5. Swap and repeat. Think of a concept, character, quote, theme, literary device you get the idea 3.

Keep your dignity intact! I used to record endless minutes of myself rambling about all different facets of my text, with no comprehensible structure, just trying to say and explain everything I knew about it. I would delete them almost straight away, but trust me, taking on the role of a teacher can be very fun, and when no ones watching, you can really just go for it. Power-up your learning with free essay topics, downloadable word banks, and updates on the latest VCE strategies.

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What are you expected to cover? Literary Perspectives criteria 3. Approaching the Task 4. Can we understand the assumptions and ideas about the views and values of the text? Literary Perspectives Criteria 1. Structure and Cohesion The structure of the essay and the task itself is more familiar than the close analysis essay. Yes, I'd love a free mini-guide! September 1, In describing the task, the exam paper states: For each of your selected texts, you must use one or more of the passages as the basis for a discussion of that text.

Understanding of the text demonstrated in a relevant and plausible interpretation This criteria relates to your ability to show your comprehension of the text. They will assess your interpretation of the text, and whether it is relevant and fair in relation to the meaning in the text Ability to write expressively and coherently to present an interpretation Literature is a writing subject, therefore this criteria asks that you write with fluency, an expressive vocabulary and clarity. Understanding of how views and values may be suggested in the text You must demonstrate an ability to identify, discuss and analyze the views and values within the text. Analysis of the features of a text and how they contribute to an interpretation This criteria determines that you must identify factors including metalanguage, specific language and authorial techniques, and discuss how they create meaning.

Analysis and close reading of textual details to support a coherent and detailed interpretation of the text This criteria determines that you need to use evidence from the text including quotes in order to aid a logical and comprehensive interpretation of the text. Best of luck! July 1, Some important points to consider however are: Am I able to include this statement without it sounding janky and disruptive of flow?

Body paragraphs: As I'm sure you already know by now, Literature grants you a lot more freedom than English in terms of structure - and this is especially applicable to the body of your essay! August 26, Big Daddy Big Daddy, like Brick, gets a lot of undeserved attention and love; this is because he sits upon the Pollitt wealth he built.

Big Mama She is an older version of Maggie - more dramatic, needier, having let herself go. Concepts and Concerns TIP: Concepts and concerns should form the basis of your analysis whether you are doing a close analysis or a literary perspectives essay! Literary Perspectives Now we get into the tricky stuff! TIP: Heteronormativity can also be linked to Marxism as it forms part of the superstructure institutions and culture considered to result from and reflect the economic system underlying society that perpetuates the belief that men must be the breadwinner to support their housewives and children.

In other words, if you are not supporting your family financially, you are not considered a true man. Psychoanalysis Pain, trauma, guilt, desire, gaze and the unconscious. Here is a link to help you out with more general close analysis advice again same idea as the previous section, to link the ultimate guides The close analysis essentially wants you to analyse the nitty-gritty of your text. The Form — Play The Play as a form is one of the most distinct types. May 1, How do I begin? How do I choose which perspective to use? What do I do? September 14, In general, there are two main approaches that can be followed for body paragraphs in a literature close reading analysis: 1.

Start wide and narrow down. Start narrow and go wide. Happy writing! March 9, Don't focus just on ideas and avoid language engagement. Here's an example from Jane Eyre. October 1, Critique critical commentary Google critical commentary on your text. Choose random passages and annotate Close your eyes and pick a random a couple of passages from your text. Examiner reports and word bank Look through VCAA examiner reports for sample excerpts from high scoring responses. Timed conditions The biggest issue with every literature student in the exam is timing. August 31, The group encounters countless problems during their duration of being stranded on the island, resulting in multiple disputes between the boys. Conflict is apparent all the way through the novel, whether it's being man versus man, man versus himself or man versus nature.

One of the ways that Golding portrays conflict is through. Golding does a superb job displaying these traits and so many more throughout this story of fighting, not for your life, but to the death. I love emotion. Symbolism is a very important factor in many books. At first glance you may not think the symbols are very important, but with some in-depth thought you can see how it is necessary to explain the microcosm of an island. The conch shell is the opening symbol in the novel and lasts roughly to the very end of the story.

The conch is found by Ralph and Piggy, which they use. The very first essay we had I scored fairly average for it being the first essay of the class. It had lacked many elements such as essay content, word choice, as well as grammar and mechanics. Lord of the Flies was published in by William Golding. Today Lord of the Flies is a well known literary criticism. Many schools require their students to read Lord of the Flies because of the literary criticisms in the book. In this paper three themes or literary criticisms are talked about: good vs. Another topic in Golding's Lord of the Flies is the battle of good vs. Everything seems to start out just fine on the island; the. Compare and Contrast Essay The shift in tone and changes in the description of the surrounding environment reveal Simons character development.

The difference in how Jack is describe interacting with his environment, shows Jacks transition into savagery. William Golding uses complex nature imagery to subtly depict characters loss of innocence. Butterflies are often used to reveal big ideas. As an example, Simon description of said wildlife changes throughout the novel following changes in his. The story thus becomes vivid and profound. Key words: symbolism, Lord of the Flies, collective unconscious, archetypal theory 0.

Introduction Lord of the Flies is the masterpiece. AP Literary and Rhetorical Terms 1. The following line from Robert Frost's poem "Acquainted with the Night provides us with an example of alliteration,": I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet.

Crazy Two Human body descriptive essay, global citizen essay pdf case study in political science example. She loves her husband unconditionally despite his cruelty and indifference to her. Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis is a central meaning or dominant idea in a Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis work. During the s, the United States began to regain its economic success and Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis were high as ever; however, this may only have been ostensible. However, soon after the victory, he heard of the Witches' prophecy and realized the Case Analysis: The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool ambition within Persuasive Speech On Mulch. Her father, Gerald was an Irish immigrant who had prospered in Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis new Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis.

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